Big Easy Estate Sales
Jonathan Wells
See examples of our past sales, staging photos, locations, and more in Archives.
Have questions? Call Jonathan Wells at 504-470-8438 for more information.
Call us for an initial phone chat to discuss your current situation and preferred time-frame. We may schedule an in-home walk-through to assess the home and get a visual of the scope of the job (volume, quality, time needed, etc.). During the walk through, we will discuss the process based on your personal and immediate needs and strategize a plan that best fits those needs moving forward. Whether you are downsizing and moving, or liquidating an estate of any size, we will work with you to develop a structured plan of action that will help you move forward with comfort and peace of mind.
On a more personal note, business is great, and it is sometimes difficult to keep up with demand. We are unable to accept all sales offered to us and still offer the quality of service that makes Big Easy Estate Sales successful. Even if we are unable to take on your sale, we still try to answer your questions, give professional advice and guide you in the right direction so you can have the best possible experience and results, no matter who handles your sale. We want to help the best way we can, so don't hesitate to call! - Jonathan
If you are not in need of the full estate sale experience, but have art, jewelry and/or silver and need assistance in selling, call us! There are a number of ways to handle the sale of small valuables and important art. We work with consultants to assist us in determining the value of all levels of art, estate and costume jewelry, and all that sterling silver found in most estates. We may combine these items into our other estate sales or handle privately, depending on the value and time needed to achieve the best possible results on your behalf.
- Complete organization, staging, research, pricing and advertising of all contents in your home. We are known for our exceptional style, artistic staging and overall sale presentation and representation. Our attention to detail and unconditional efforts pay off, each and every time.
- Research and consideration of single items and collections, including but not limited to:
- antique to modern furnishings
- artwork on every level - we can also broker your art sales
- books of all ages, types and subjects
- collectibles of all types
- china, dinnerware, porcelains, etc.
- glassware, stemware, kitchenwares
- sterling silver of all types - we can also broker your silver sales
- jewelry, from fine estate jewelry to sterling and costume
- ephemera, including old photographs, letters, albums and more
- garden/outdoor items, including furniture, statuary, garden implements, tools, etc.
- everyday household items
- ...the list goes on!
Note: Help us help you! Never throw anything away - all items in a home have value. Let us assist you with these decisions to ensure the greatest return on your personal property. You would be surprised at what has value and what we can sell...and it all adds up.
- Advertising and promotion via popular estate sale websites, social media and our proprietary e-mail list of repeat customers and loyal followers. We are experienced marketing experts, and we know how to connect you with serious buyers.
- Preparation, posting and removal of visible signage that attract and direct customers and 'passerbyers' to the estate sale. We have quality eye catching signage for easy recognition.
- Crowd and sales control to protect your home and property. From staff to signage, our customers always find their way around with comfort and ease.
- Supervision and arrangements made for pickup and/or delivery of large items when needed. This is a must, and we take care of this for you.
- Reliable accounting and reporting of sales results. A report is provided with your check with all need-to-know sales results.
- Optional clean out and donation arrangements offered post-sale, including tax receipts for donated items. It is our job to go the extra mile for our clients to ensure a pleasant and stress-free experience in clearing out a home or business. You have options - let us guide you in the right direction with these decisions.